Accesibility in
Hermelinen AB is behind this website. We want as many people as possible to be able to use it. This document describes how complies with the law on accessibility to digital public services, any known accessibility problems and how you can report deficiencies to us so that we can fix them.
How accessible is the website?
We are aware that parts of the website are not fully accessible. See the Unavailable Content section below for more information.
What can you do if you cannot use parts of the website?
If you need content from that is not available to you, but is exempt from the scope of the law as described below, you can let us know.
You can also contact via an e-mail to
Please note that the above email address may not be used for patient-related matters.
Report deficiencies in website accessibility
We are constantly striving to improve the website's accessibility. If you discover problems that are not described on this page, or if you believe that we are not complying with the law, please notify us so that we know that the problem exists.
The authority for digital administration is responsible for supervising the Act on accessibility to digital public services. If you are not satisfied with how we handle your remark about a lack of web accessibility or your request to make content available, you can report it to the Swedish Agency for Digital Management.
Technical information about website availability
This website is partially compliant with the Digital Public Service Accessibility Act due to the deficiencies described below.
Content not available
The content described below is not fully accessible in one way or another.
Lack of compliance with legal requirements
General defects
- There are links with unclear descriptions.
Defects when used with reduced or no vision
- Contrast for text is too low in several places.
- There are content-bearing images with redundant text options.
- There are content-bearing images that lack text options.
- There is inconsistent header structure.
- There are elements in the main menu that are navigable without being visible.
- There are elements that cannot be navigated to with a keyboard.
- There are elements that do not have a clear keyboard focus.
Deficiencies when used with impaired hearing
- There is pre-recorded audio without text options.
Shortcomings when using with cognitive impairment
- There is autoplay video that cannot be paused.
Deficiencies in forms
- The order of form controls and their labels is not always consistent.
- Mandatory fields are not marked.
- Form fields lack visually clear labels.
- Invalid form fields are not flagged.
- Autofill missing for form fields.
How we tested the website
We have reviewed the website with the help of an independent operator.
The latest assessment was made on 12 April 2022.
The website is continuously updated to comply with the law on accessibility to digital public services.
The report was last updated on April 12, 2022.